30 October 2017
Tricky Treat
Well, tomorrow is Halloween. So let's check back with Bugs and see if he's ready yet... Maybe not. Right then - let's ski...
It Was The 70s...
Our Halloween Blue Monday continues with, as alluded, The Sexorcist - Yes, eagle-eyed readers, that is Ernie Colon 's artwork grac...
Monday Cafe
It's time to face a new week, and we always try to help with our regular Monday feature - ...um, no.... That's not it. But th...
29 October 2017
More Than Just Pumpkins
From classic comics characters to classic comic monsters - The Monster Of Frankenstein , to be precise. Nice how they used the simple phras...
Halloween With The Classics
Let's visit with some of the classics for the holiday, eh? How about a peek to see what good ol' Bugs and the gang are up to for H...
Not On Mockingbird Lane
It's time for a more traditionally flavoured Halloween treat. Let's dig back into 1945's Dime Comics #1 for some Spooky Creeps...
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