23 September 2017
A Toast To One Man's Memory
Saturday Solutions was rather late after last night's Skyrim session ran right through posting time, followed by crash sleep. So here...
Saturday Solutionizing 010
Here are the answers to yesterday's puzzles, according to the book: As the Mindbender astutely noted yesterday, according to...
22 September 2017
Friday Fun & Games 010 - 60s Style
As you may well know, i only vote for Friday Night Fights , so instead around these parts we do This week's FF&G is excerpted ...
21 September 2017
Rampaging Covers
Y'know, The Rampaging Hulk may have been a black & white magazine, but they sure knew how to rock the colour covers: ...
20 September 2017
Kellogg's Hostess Challenge (Un-Comics)
I hear mention fairly frequently of the Hostess comic ads featuring various big name heroes, but i very rarely hear anyone talking about th...
19 September 2017
Len Gets Creepy
Continuing our look at some Odd bits in the career of Len Wein after we lost him last week... When Creepy magazine went to celebrate t...
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