25 July 2017
Breed You Should Not!
As a public service, this card is being made available at print size in a lossless format (indexed png). Click on the images for full print...
The Japanese get all the blame
Oh, sure - they may have given Hentai a name, popularized it, and ... well, let's just say they added the in-womb cameras and leave at t...
24 July 2017
6-Up, from the Dawn of Don
Un-Comics #001 Well, damn. No Logo. Un-Logo? We'll have to fix that. Anyway... What's Un-Comics? That's whay we'll ...
What phase is the moon?
NOTE: This post has been edited to conform to the blog's new status. Part has been moved to our Back Room with a link provided at the bo...
23 July 2017
She hasn't been promoted yet?
Just a quickie thought on another interesting bit out of San Diego this weekend. It was announced that the Captain Marvel movie would take...
Bending Reality with Bob Haney
I made mention the other day of a post Snell had made over at Slay, Monstrobot of the Deep about the Blue Bolt tale Blue Bolt #24 . It'...
Sunday Revelations
No, Sunday Revelations is not a new feature. (I don't think so, anyway) Just a good title in the sequence. My days of inspiring relig...
Savagely Stupid or Hail Mary Play for Salvation?
One interestingly odd bit of information that came out of San Diego this weekend is that The Flash movie is going to be based on Flashpoint...
22 July 2017
A Far More Fearsome Manner Of Garb
It seems that i just cannot stop imitating Snell . He has a regular feature over at Slay, Monstrobot that (usually rightly) mocks bad costu...
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