11 October 2021
Go Around Back To Peek In T3C's Window
I've mentioned my new home on the web a couple times, but haven't gone much into things as the game is very adult oriented and not suited to this blog. So i've put up a collection of pics from the past year in the back room on The Other Voice Of ODD! And now i must go - the interface keeps spinning an animated icon to update everything damn thing i type. That's not distracting at all. After uploading images i thought the interface might be usable for me these days. Then i started typing. NOPE. I'm even further out than before. Much as i miss The Voice Of ODD!, i can't stand being near it for long these days. Here's a direct link to the Peeking In T3C's Window post.
05 June 2021
Please, Mr. Google - Please Don't Kill My Blog...
Okay. Too late on that front. The hostile-to-users interface and the announcement that anything we do will get erased soon after we're gone already killed things here.
But, let's not get eager and kill all memory of me and the site too soon, eh? So here's a bit of the silly things i'm doing these days with The Third Colony to ping the system and maybe keep the archive alive a while longer.
And maybe i'll even remember later to post something NSFW in the back room to keep it alive, too.